Election Predictions
Oct 27th, 2008 by brianschettler
I’m probably not going to have very much time in the next two weeks for political analysis, with school and work and everything (somebody has to contribute to GDP and pay taxes to pay for the bailout). The way I see it now, I think Obama will when the election. I hope I’m wrong, but here are some of my thoughts:
- The financial meltdown. I think when the economy goes bad, people will vote with their wallets. They’re more likely to give “the other guy” a shot at running it for the next four years. But, I think McCain’s strong suit is the economy/tax policy and hopefully people realize that.
- Obama’s campaign appeals to people’s feelings. Hope and Change are the two big buzzwords from Obama’s campaign, but what does that mean in concrete terms? Even all of his campaign material is done in a “happy warm fuzzies” kind of way. I think younger voters are especially swayed by this kind of marketing. It’s what makes them feel good. The facts and policies matter less.
- The Republican party has moved away from conservative ideals. There’s no such thing as a small, limited government anymore. There are no free market principles. Like the article linked to a few days ago, I think the Republican party needs a wake up call to gather around the core principles, and a humiliating loss is probably the only way to do it.
I hope I’m wrong, but I guess we’ll see in two weeks. I would be okay with an Obama presidency if we had a Republican majority in Congress, but the idea of a Democratic president and a Democratic super-majority scare me (same thing with Republican president and Republican Congress)…the government works best when divided and all that, you know.