Improve your prayer life
Jan 17th, 2008 by brianschettler
I’ve recently got back into my old habit of keeping a prayer journal, which really helps me stay on track. I wish I could find a link online, but this is the closest thing I can find. I buy Mead Brand Cambridge series notebooks from Sam’s Club. It’s only about $6 for 5 or 6 of them. They’re small, 7×5 inch spiral notebooks with 140 pages. I use them all the time…in fact I keep several in use at any given moment. I keep one on my desk for note taking, one for journaling, one for taking notes at church, and one as my prayer journal. The great thing about the prayer journal is that you can keep it on your nightstand to always remind you to pray when you go to bed/get up. You can also flip back through the recent weeks or months and remind yourself of the prayers God has answered. I’ve also found that keeping a prayer journal and praying for the same things every night helps me to memorize those things, so I am more likely to remember to ask someone how something in their life is going when I see them. It’s a great way to reconnect yourself with God.