It’s getting into the semester where there will be papers and projects due, some (or most) of which will be carried around on USB drives. Make sure to back up that data! Last semester I was caught in a bad spot because my drive had died and my backup was a month or so old, […]
Category Archive for 'School'
Testing…Combinatorial HW2
Posted in School on Jan 23rd, 2008
Just in case anyone wants to look at my homework, I’m testing WordPress and how it handles PDFs. I made some scans of my homework since Sarah and I share a book. Here they are if anyone wants them. Combinatorial HW2. I’m sure I’ll get in trouble for this
Delete Line in Visual Studio
Posted in School on Jan 13th, 2008
This will come in handy while programming this semester. I was used to Ctrl+D in Eclipse and I think I prefer that better because it’s easier to reach with just one hand.